Astus FMS, an adaptable fleet management solution
An easy-to-use cloud-based management software.
An easy-to-use cloud-based management software.
The fleet management solution provided by Astus allows you to geolocate vehicles and mobile assets in real time and to generate personalized and automated reports.
Astus FMS in Web and/or Windows version offers an incomparable range of functionalities. Astus FMS allows you to combine Astus TAG and QuickConnect devices in the same fleet of vehicles, for both heavy and light vehicles.
Benefit from a scalable solution, fully adapted to your vehicle tracking needs, regardless of the size of your fleet and the type of vehicles that make it up: light vehicles, heavy vehicles, buses, electric vehicles, hydrogen vehicles or others.
Accurate real-time and differed data analysis enables improved fleet management and driver behavior.
Fast acceleration and harsh braking, idle measurement, accessory alerts, engine codes, violations, vehicle routes, vehicle utilization rates, fuel consumption, vehicle availability status and many more.
Hours worked, violations, driver routes, driver performance and many more.
Areas visited, positions visited, productive distance, route progression, route completion, detection of advances/delays, border crossings, territorial crossings and many more.
Detections, positions, infractions, weight readings and more.
Benoît Robert, President, Communauto
Dominique Bédard, Operations director, Transport Matte
Dominic Corbeil, IT and operations Director, Gaz Métro Plus, Énergir Group